Meet Fredeswinda
I have been a correction officer, working in NY State and county prisons for 20 years. 14 years ago, desperate to find a healthy outlet and relieve the stresses of my job, I turned to yoga. I had always heard that yoga was good for stress. I decided to try a class, and instantly fell in love. This is what my body and mind had been looking for. I started with Hot Yoga, and 6 months later, tried all different styles of yoga. I felt at peace and blissful every time I was on my mat. I soon realized that yoga was much more than physical flexibility and strength. It was also about building mental flexibility and strength. I noticed a huge difference, not just in my body, but in my perceptions, attitudes, and thoughts, which influenced my actions. I decided that I needed to share all the benefits of yoga with as many people as I could. It's been my passion and my dream to open up a yoga studio. I began doing Yoga Teacher trainings, to further my own practice, and to expand my knowledge of the many benefits of various styles of yoga.
- My goals are to help people understand:
- 1. EVERYONE AND ANYONE can do yoga
- 2. The MANY benefits of yoga
"LOKAH SAMASTAH SUKHINO BHAVANTU: May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all."